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If you don't have the keyword density wrongly or if you have a different keyword for your article, it displays your blog in completely wrong keyword. So keep the keyword that is relevant to your article, and have keyword density of 2-5%, which is good for SEO.

To begin, SEO is growing in the web and rules do change often. Many companies have used SEO as a medium to attract potential customers as well as create awareness to the business. Realistically, there is no definite answer to what are the secrets of SEO algorithm. However, there are free SEO tips that are able to provide answers to this question.

You can download that eBook from his blog Monetize Blogging, by subscribing to his blog's mailing list. As SEO is important for everything, you must build better SEO for your blog for better ranking in search results. In this article, I'll be sharing 3 Must follow SEO strategies, that'll help you to generate valuable traffic from search engine.

Important note: If you choose multiple keywords, make sure your keywords do not belong to different niches. They should belong to the same niche. Otherwise, search engines would be confused what your website is all about. Makes sense right?

Optimize your pages around the keywords. Once the keywords are in place, the next step is to optimize your web pages around those keywords. What that means is focusing the Meta tags, Pinterest title, link text, heading tags and body content of that page around a specific keyword. Focus each page around ONE keyword only.

SEO news It's not just about quantity though. Quality is actually of more importance. You can fill it with a thousand pages of junk that no one wants to read and becomes bored with or you can fill it with five pages of great content that is interesting and as new content is slowly added, people come back to read it.

Another important consideration are links. It is very important that you can create a network of QUALITY back links, with your keyword phrase or keywords as the link. Let me focus on one important thing---quality. Remember that if a site has no relevance to your niche, then there is no need for that back link.

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